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de Silva

Writer / Director

I'm a paragraph. Here people can read more about some subject in this article. I'm a great place to grab readers' attention and complete a thought. I'm the ideal place to tell a story and share ideas. Use this space to explain what is being covered in the article.


 I'm a great place to grab readers' attention and complete a thought. I'm the ideal place to tell a story and share ideas. Use this space to explain what is being covered in the article. Here you can contextualize an article to help people visualize what is being told. You can go long or be short and pithy.

Live Q&A

Watch the film and follow the Q&A with filmmaker Alice de Silva

cast and crew


Mirela Nogueira

like kathy

Dara Ferreira

as Carla G

rose Mary

as Andrew C.


PJ Dias


Maia Reis


Liz Santos

Art director

Cecilia Silva

head of light and sound

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